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Is your child care provider authorized to seek medical treatment for your child?

June 25, 2024

Hello NAP families,

As the school year comes to an end, we often find our children in the care of an alternate caregiver, perhaps a grandparent, aunt or friend of the family. What if my child needs medical treatment and someone other than the legal guardian must bring the child in to be seen?

When leaving your child in the care of someone else, especially for an extended period, it’s important to ensure that they have all necessary documentation and permissions to seek medical care, if needed. 

In your absence, your child may need to receive care at Northampton Area Pediatrics or may need to be seen at a facility that is not familiar with your child and may not have immediate access to their records. As such, we are providing you a general list of items you may want to consider providing to your child’s alternate caregiver, in your absence.

1.   Medical Consent Form: Draft a document authorizing the alternative caregiver to seek medical treatment for your child in your absence. This document should include your child’s full name, date of birth, any known allergies or medical conditions, and your contact information. Sign and date the form and consider getting it notarized for added validity.

2.   Emergency Contact Information: Include contact information for yourself, as well as any other emergency contacts, such as relatives or close friends who can be reached in case of an emergency. 

3.   Medical History: Write down any relevant medical history, including current medications, allergies, past surgeries, and ongoing medical conditions. This information can be crucial for healthcare providers in making informed decisions about your child’s care.

4.   Physician Contact Information: Provide the name and contact information of your child’s primary care physician or any specialists they may be seeing regularly.

5.   List of Authorized Individuals: If there are specific individuals other than the grandparents who are authorized to seek medical care for your child, make sure to include their names and contact information as well.

Enjoy your summer and be prepared for the unexpected urgent care issues that may arise!

Northampton Area Pediatrics