Pediatric Telehealth in Northampton and Amherst
Northampton Area Pediatrics offers virtual visits for some sick visits, office visits, medication checks, behavioral health visits and consults.
Our virtual visits are performed through the MyChart Patient Portal. For patients over the age of 13 years old, the visit must be done through their own portal. There are different instructions when using a smart device versus a computer. See tip sheets below.
To sign up for the portal, please call us at (413) 584-8700 option 7.
- One day prior to your visit, you should log in to your MyChart to fill out any forms and complete pre-visit validation.
- For medication rechecks, obtain a weight prior to the visit.
- 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment, please check in through MyChart. If this appointment is for a teenager, you must log in through their own MyChart account.
- If you have any difficulties or would like help with this process, please contact our office at 413-584-8700 option 7.