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Comfort Program

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Kids Poke Plan – English
Kids Poke Plan – Spanish
Teens Poke Plan – English
Teens Poke Plan – Spanish

Planning ahead can help you and your child feel more prepared and decrease stress around vaccinations and other procedures. Here are our tips and tricks for helping babies, toddlers, kids, and teens have a positive experience during doctor visits.  
Learn about the process of getting a vaccination, including different positions:

For Caregivers of Babies

Many times, kids need to be reminded to stay still and relaxed during a procedure. Here are some tips for helping children find comfortable positions for procedures. It is best to practice these at home to find what feels good. 

This video shows how sweet solutions and comfort holds can calm babies during vaccinations:

This video shows how breastfeeding can reduce pain and distress for babies during vaccinations:

For Caregivers of Toddlers

Toddlers learn by playing, so playing doctor with your child can help them feel more comfortable when it’s time for a real checkup. It lets them explore vaccinations in a fun way, which makes them feel safer during the real appointment.  

Here is an example of how a caring adult, Gisele, helps her puppet friend Zeekoo get ready to visit the doctor.

For Caregivers of Kids

Learn how ImaginAction (mindfulness) can be used as a superpower during vaccinations.
Click ImaginAction.

Learn how to breathe for comfort: 

Social stories use simple language and pictures to show children what to expect and how to behave during new experiences. Here is a video social story about going to the doctor and getting a shot: 

For Teens

Learn how to be the boss of your brain and manage pain during medical procedures:  

Learn how vaccines work and why they’re important: 

Now You Can Fill Out Your Individualized Plan!


Kids Poke Plan – English
Kids Poke Plan – Spanish
Teens Poke Plan – English
Teens Poke Plan – Spanish

Last Step! Bring the plan with you to your next appointment with your doctor. Your plan can change as you get better using the skills in your plan. Remember, you are awesome and can do hard things! 

Needle Phobia Prevention  

Resources for children who are worried about shots, including our comfort plans.  

Needle Phobia Prevention 

For children who are worried about needles, going to the doctor can be hard. We want to make this process less stressful for everyone, and help your child overcome any barriers with accessing healthcare. This is important for their lifelong health: At least two-thirds of children and one-fourth of adults have a fear of needles. This can make routine appointments as well as important medical interventions difficult in the long term.